Useful information about the Coronavirus emergency measures : Leave for Special Purpose and Company’s obligations

1.Leave for Special Purpose and other facilitating measures

The leave concerns working parents who fulfill the following:

  • Their children attend nursery and preschool,
  • Their children attend any school that belongs to the Compulsory Education,
  • Their children attend Specialized Schools or Schools of Special Needs Education, regardless of the age of their children. Their children are persons of disability, regardless of children’s change, since the children receive care from care schemes and structures, customized for disabled people.

To facilitate the above working parents, it is established the right to receive leave for Special Purpose. This leave should be at least three (3) days, with the prerequisite that the employee will take one (1) day of his regular leave along with the 3 days Leave for Special Purpose.

In case both parents are employees to the same or different employers, they have to submit a common Formal Declaration to their employees in which they will acknowledge the employer who will take the leave or in case that they will take both partially the Leave, they have to mention the exact days each one will take this Leave.

  • In case one of the parent works at the Private Sector and the other one at the Public Sector, it is necessary to submit to the employer a Formal Declaration of the parent working in the Public Sector, that he/she will not take the Leave of Special Purpose.
  • In case one of the parent is not working, then the working parent can’t take the Leave for Special Purpose. This is not applied if the non working parent has been in the Hospital or he/she is ill by the coronavirus disease or he/she is disabled and receives the relevant allowance.
  • In case of divorced parents, the parent who has the custody of the child can take the Leave, unless they have agreed otherwise.

 The above Leave can be applied from today and until 10.4.2020, since one of the parents is employee and the other is a business owner.

2.Employer’s Obligations

Starting from today and until 10.4.2020 the following measures are established:

Α) The obligation of submitting any change of the working hours for the employees in the electronic platform of «ΕΡΓΑΝΗ» (ERGANI) along with the overtime and overworking hours.

During the time the emergency measures will be applied, the employer must submit in «ΕΡΓΑΝΗ» (ERGANI), all the amendments of the working hours and the planning of the working time of the employees in aggregate, as well as any overtime and overworking time of the employees, which occurred the last month, in the first ten days of the next month in which the employee worked.

Β) The employer can determine the place from where the employee will provide his/her services and the employer can ask form the employee to perform remote work.

C) The employer is obliged to submit to «ΕΡΓΑΝΗ» (ERGANI) all the employees who took the Special Leave, as well as its duration after the date of 4.2020 until 15.4.2020.

In order to be eligible the employee to take this Leave should have established the right to take regular leave at least six days (6), if he/she works 6 days per week, and at least five (5) days if he/she works 5 days per week. In different cases, he/she will take the Special Leave in proportion with the regular days of Leave they are entitled to take.
